We went to a few places we were sent to by another friend that were supposed to be good for making images and they ended up being fun, but not for the reasons we went. We found out-of-the-way coves, random weddings, and an old car show to attend and photograph. Then another friend of mine saw my tweets and called me to tell me where we should be going. She sent me an email full of great places to go outside of Seattle.
We ended up taking the Kingston Ferry across the sound to check out Point-no-Point. We decided to scout out the beach before we unpacked tons of gear, which should be sounding large warning bells right now. We decided the beach was worthy- even before seeing a pod of Orca's harass the local salmon fishermen off the point. One told us he had never seen anything so amazing after twenty years of fishing from the point. They were beautiful. Just imagine seeing four black and white killer whales diving in and out of the surf- yep that beautiful.
So here is a picture from the gardens by the Ballard Locks:
We had a great time, she pointed out all the foibles of the Seattle folk and how they differ from Colorado folk, and we saw the you know what:
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